AfPIF webcast

Bill Norton is talking about the founding of nanog at the AfPIF right now


I tune in, albeit 7-8 minutes later, and I'm apparently watching Peering 101.

Is the average age of the audience 5? 6?


In Internet years, yes - or less.


Tom Hill <> writes:

Bill Norton is talking about the founding of nanog at the AfPIF right now


I tune in, albeit 7-8 minutes later, and I'm apparently watching
Peering 101.

Is the average age of the audience 5? 6?

Peering 101 would seem appropriate given that AfPIF is the African
Peering and Interconnection Forum. It seems that a lot of the target
audience might be regulatory types who've never heard this message
before (peering *or* what grass-roots community-based groups can do
for you).

You were expecting maybe a presentation on TRILL or a DNSSEC tutorial?


TH: Nothing against the topic! Or the idea.

Improving the perception of peering in markets, that do not currently peer widely, is no negative thing in my mind. I just think the delivery was poor (counter-productive, even.)

I did feel sufficiently convinced that his tone was so overly condescending (despite the 'entry level' topic), as to make a flippant remark/dig about the presentation itself.

But I'm fairly sure no-one is too concerned as to what I think about it, so I'll just be quiet next time. :slight_smile:
