Advice on dealing with Sprint

Avi Freedman writes:
>Hmm... Do you have any of these boxes?

I do speak from some personal experience, yes.

>My impression is that a 4500 w/ 3 or 4 full views still takes well
>under 24mb, and doesn't impact the performance of the box at all.

There are many unaccounted for variables here. You certainly don't
have as many unadvertised more specifics as we do, as much stuff in
the IGP, etc., etc. Those doing less will get some more breathing

Yes, a huge IGP (thousands of routes) is an issue that most people
choosing 4500s vs. 7010s don't have to face :slight_smile:

room, but unless many more people get more more serious about reducing
global routing tables it won't be too long before 32MB will not be
enough for anyone.




Avi Freedman writes:

Yes, a huge IGP (thousands of routes) is an issue that most people
choosing 4500s vs. 7010s don't have to face :slight_smile:

Hey, we have less than a thousand routes in our IGP. :slight_smile:

More seriously, they don't have to face that issue, but 8 MB of
headroom is not very much. Once you get to much less than 3 or 4 MB
things can get interesting due to transients.

(For those buying 32MB routers, just make sure they can be upgraded to
64MB. The day of reckoning for 64MB routers is still a while off.)