Admiral Hosting in London

We were contacted by Admiral Hosting in London to rent some our
unused IP space. While they insist that they're not spammers, we can
not find out much about them.

Has anyone had any dealings with this company? Legit? Scam? We
are not interested in contributing to the Scam/Spam problem and
figured I would ask here.

As this is not, technically, NA-related, private replies are preferred.
I'll summarize to the list.

We were contacted by Admiral Hosting in London to rent some our
unused IP space.

anyone wanting to rent/lease space is 99% sure to be not nice folk.
if you get your space back, it will be radioactive with an amazingly
long half life.

if you are willing to let go of the space, just tell them the price
for which you are willing to sell it.


And I’d *love* to hear the story they come up with when you ask why they only want to rent space vs buy it…



We were contacted by Admiral Hosting in London to rent some our
unused IP space. While they insist that they're not spammers, we can
not find out much about them.

Has anyone had any dealings with this company? Legit? Scam? We
are not interested in contributing to the Scam/Spam problem and
figured I would ask here.

Had a couple of exactly the same messages from them. It seems like
one guy with no infrastructure of their own. Asked him a few
questions along the lines of why he was willing to pay more than the
cost of becoming a RIPE member for less than a /22 and he eventually
went away.

As others have said, anyone wanting to lease IPs is likely going to
do something that ruins the reputation of the IPs and relies on not
having their name on it at the registry level.


I've heard of some people that don't have the capital to purchase their own block yet, but want PI space so they can move away from whomever is providing their transit + IP space now. I'm sure the discussed reason is much more prevalent, though.

We are renting space to supplement our ARIN IPv4 allocation until we get 464xlat going. Some of the IPs had bad reputations but we sorted them out.