[Activity logging & archiving tool]

In my company, there are several technical guys make changes to the
existing network and it's very difficult to keep track of what we did
when, etc.

i feel your pain - except when it was happening, they weren't as
technical as they thought they were...

I'm looking for a simple tool, in which each and every one has to
manually record whatever (s)he has done or any incident (s)he observed
so that the tool archives that data someway. Later, in case if someone
needs, (s)he should be able to search for that archive by date, by
person, by a random phrase, etc.

rancid (Shrubbery Networks, Inc. - RANCID) and
cvs-web (http://stud.fh-heilbronn.de/~zeller/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/)

rancid does nice proactive checking of device configs, and cvs-web is
a pretty front end to look through change history

for tracking:
request tracker (Request Tracker... So much more than a help desk — Best Practical Solutions) - it is a ticketing
system, but you could probably customize it to fit your needs

netoffice (PXell download | SourceForge.net) - haven't used
it personally, but it looks like it might work too

track+ (Allegra Issue Tracker download | SourceForge.net) - same as netoffice

of course, nothing will work unless everyone uses it, so you have to
have clear, concise policies for change management, and then enforce



Any help in this regard is appreciated,

Priyantha Pushpa Kumara
Manager - Data Services
Wightman Internet Ltd.
Clifford, ON
N0G 1M0
Fax: 519-327-8010

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And along the way see how all of us are Connected.
Feast the eyes of your Soul,
On the Love that abounds.
In all places at once, seemingly endless,
Like your own existence."
     - Stephen Hawking -