Abovenet BGP upgrade problems

On Sunday night, Abovenet upgraded their BGP sessions and ever since then
I've been receiving an incomplete BGP table. They sent a nice message
telling me of the upgrade(see below) but it appears that they wiped out
10,000 networks from their BGP advertisements.

The networks included www.microsoft.com, nitrous.digex.net, and a /15 client
network. It's been causing problems for my network and I've had a ticket
open with Abovenet for over 24 hrs. They added the networks that I
complained about to their advertisement, but I don't know how to get a diffs
of the 10,000 networks that I'm missing.

The output from my BGP summary is...
93736 network entries and 187404 paths using 15463992 bytes of memory

The output from nitrous.digex.net shows...
106558 network entries and 528694 paths using 28942878 bytes of memory

Are any other Abovenet customers experiencing the same problems?

Jay Fielding
iXL, Inc.
Network Engineer

Whether or not you are missing networks probably depends on your

route-views.oregon-ix.net>sh ip bgp summ
Neighbor V AS MsgRcvd MsgSent TblVer InQ OutQ Up/Down State/PfxRcd 4 1 568948 6906 6971071 0 0 1d08h 95355 4 7018 663763 6905 6971071 0 0 1d00h 95065 4 1740 524953 6899 6971071 0 0 1d08h 95194 4 1239 651844 6901 6971071 0 0 1d08h 95395

  BBN, ATT, ATT CERFnet, and Sprintlink appear to consider what you
are receiving a full table.

  Verio considers 93,000 prefixes to be 10,000 /more/ than a full
table (See Randy's post of a few days ago): 4 267 731675 6881 6971912 0 0 1d08h 83878 4 234 275728 6913 6971912 0 0 1d08h 83710

  In any providers advertisements, there is going to be a certain bit
of fuzz (internal networks, some deaggregates, and other things) that they
advertise to transit customers but are not seen by the world. For example,
downstream customers of, say, UUnet or Telia will easily see more than 100k
prefixes currently, but peers will not see many of those internal routes
and deaggregates.

  Telia is currently advertising 100-112k prefixes:

route-views.oregon-ix.net>sh ip bgp summ | incl 1221 4 1221 968651 6910 6975582 0 0 1d08h 100315 4 1221 807027 6899 6975582 0 0 1d08h 112352

  So, it's really a matter of perspective. If you are still having
reachability problems, I'm sure AboveNet would be happy to take a look at
it and fix that for you. If you're just looking for 'missing prefixes,'
I'm not sure that you really are missing anything.

  --msa 4 6461 3283449 66135 14944524 0 0 2d09h 93665 4 6461 3251959 65595 14944528 0 0 2d09h 93664 4 3967 2241235 53409 10742703 0 0 6d11h 98293 4 3549 1631301 30834 7422964 0 0 2w1d 87059 4 10910 2388353 36566 8435255 0 0 2w5d 100278

6461 = Above
3967 = Exodus
3549 = FGC
10910 = Internap/NYC