About Juniper MX10 router performance

Dear valued member:

Wishes all are fine.

i need suggestion from you about Juniper MX10 router performance. i want
to buy this router for IP Transit provider where i received all global
routes .

it would be nice please put your valued suggestion about this issue.

Do you have some specific questions about it? You should be able to
comfortably take in one to two full BGP feeds as RIBs, and hold an
Internet-sized FIB.

It's basically an MX80 (internally), but with some software
modifications to limit its performance. You probably need to make sure
that you're also purchasing the S-MX80-ADV-R software license in your
base bundle (to support the full-scale L3 routing), but the licensing
is based on the honor system.


Thanks jonathan for your reply .

Actually i have not specific question , i need suggestion about this
product if i purchase this as IP Transit provider.

Only someone with the knowledge of your business and requirements can
answer this for you.

If you'd like to take this up off-list, I'm happy to share what I know.
Generally, we try to keep the discussion to the list (that is sent to
the many subscribers) on topics that are of interest to all network

For Juniper-specific questions, the j-nsp mailing list is pretty great


Thanks again Jonathan .