a moment of silence

october 16th is the first anniversary of the death of jon postel. while it
might be tempting to shut the net off for an hour in memoriam, it does not
seem very responsible.

i intend to shut down my personal home/office site and all servers there for
the day. others may have their own ways of expressing respect and regret.


october 16th is the first anniversary of the death of jon postel. while it
might be tempting to shut the net off for an hour in memoriam, it does not
seem very responsible.

This would be as wrong as closing the libraries on Lincoln's birthday.
(forgiving my^H^Hfolks' late fees wouldn't be bad, though :slight_smile:

i intend to shut down my personal home/office site and all servers there for
the day. others may have their own ways of expressing respect and regret.

I intend to enjoy the network to which Jon Postel dedicated his life's work,
and keep it up so that others may benefit from it. I'll send an outage notice
for your network, though. :wink:

should I become net.famous and summarily suffer an untimely demise, I would
appreciate it if everybody called the telcos and told them what a pain they
are on every anniversary thereafter. :slight_smile: use of foul language is not

I honestly think that it is the wrong thing to do to mourn someone's death,
and/or to have "silence" in rememberance. though it may be customary to do
such a thing, it would be a much greater thing to celebrate the good things
that they did. rather than silence in rememberance of his passing, we should
give shouts of joy for the great contributions he gave during his life.
many of you were blessed to know him well, and on October 16th, be sure to
share a story with a newbie about the great man that had a big part in
making the 'net what it is today.

Jon Postel, thanks for all you've done for us!


p.s. expect to see me pouring my heart out again next 1 September.