A little silly for IPv6

According to the Ace of Spades HQ blog:

Not with a /64 minimum allocation per customer :slight_smile:


I want to see HIS source of hpow many atoms are actually on the earth. Somehow, I do not think anyone knows that answer. So his comparision is a joke.



I want to see HIS source of hpow many atoms are actually on the earth.
Somehow, I do not think anyone knows that answer. So his comparision is a

Obligatory xkcd ref: xkcd: Nanobots

Of course it is, you don't even need to think about logic to answer that one.

I would support THIS as a better reference than some of the other email responses I have gotten.

Again comparing something like factual numbers of IPv6 addresses the the very fuzzy math of guessing how many atoms there are is very silly indeed.

A bit of thought will show that you can probably compute this based on our
estimage of the mass of the earth, which is known to be 5.97219 × 10^24 kg,
and an estimate of what elements the mantle and core are made up of.


I don't think that 3 significant digits counts as "very fuzzy math"....

This thread has gone pretty far off the rails, in terms of being on topic for NANOG.
