reachability testing

: Randy's MUA automatically deletes email sent directly to him...

Probably because you have a 12+ line .sig full of lawyer-speak.


: Randy's MUA automatically deletes email sent directly to him...

Probably because you have a 12+ line .sig full of lawyer-speak.

Both practices arguably ingenious or idiotic...

Randy's MUA automatically deletes email sent directly to him...can anyone
else here provide some insight into the reachability testing provided for
this allocation given to Randy from ARIN?

I am more interested in the above though than why Randy isn't reading my


> : Randy's MUA automatically deletes email sent directly to him...
> Probably because you have a 12+ line .sig full of lawyer-speak.

Both practices arguably ingenious or idiotic...

> Randy's MUA automatically deletes email sent directly to him...can anyone
> else here provide some insight into the reachability testing provided for
> this allocation given to Randy from ARIN?

I am more interested in the above though than why Randy isn't reading my

If you're not getting any bounces and tracesroutes to the recipiant mailserver
don't display any problems and the other mailserver seems to accept it (i.e.
it's a not-dead domain), I'd wager it'd be a spam filter gone off the wall
and is dropping your email; after all, nowadays spam filters ARE getting
vicious and often even times legit mail gets bit-bucketted and/or marked as

I see not a lot has changed on egg^H^H^Hnanog. I'll forward to noc@arin.net
to see where that goes (only useful reply). Thanks for the entertainment!
:slight_smile: -ron