600VDC and 802.11?

Anyone know about the compatibility of high-voltage DC systems and 802.11b?
The gear itself will be running on 120VAC via an inverter, but 600VDC/300A
creates a strong EM field that messes with a lot of off-the-shelf RF gear
and even some non-RF electronics.


Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein
CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the
K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking

The best wireless resource I know of is the part-15 list. Check it out at

Most 802.11b gear is not built to be very robust and tends to break down
when high EMI is around. Personally, the gear is cheap enough that I would
just give it a try.

Stephen Sprunk wrote:

Anyone know about the compatibility of high-voltage DC systems and 802.11b?
The gear itself will be running on 120VAC via an inverter, but 600VDC/300A
creates a strong EM field that messes with a lot of off-the-shelf RF gear
and even some non-RF electronics.

To give you a vague idea, we had an issue with a 5 mile 802.11b run early on. It turns out that the signal was crossing a power line at less than 5 degrees. Cutting sharply across the power line fixed our problem. In general, it's best to just try it and see what happens.


I know of one installation that is just below (10 feet) a 50,000 watt
fm transmitter in Portsmouth, NH. I don't think you'll have trouble.
I'd be more worried about the automatic door openers and 2.4 GHz
