48vDC Output UPS

Greetings again,
I have been looking for a Rack Mount UPS that accepts AC power input but has 48vdc output(telco voltage). Anyone have any recommendations?


Mitchell T. Lewis

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PGP Fingerprint: 79F2A12BAC77827581C734212AFA805732A1394E [ https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x2AFA805732A1394E | Public PGP Key ]


You can use Emerson Netsure (https://www.vertivco.com/en-us/products/brands/netsure/)

You need to set next to the rack a battery bank ( 4x12v = 48v batteries in series )

Best Regards,
João Butzke.

A word of caution (I was bitten by this): in many data centers,
the USA National Electrical Code requires that UPS units be
connected to the Emergency Power Off system so that in case of
emergency the UPS will shut off too. Many of the less expensive
UPS units do not have EPO shutdown capability, and it usually
takes an electrician to wire it up when they do.

There are also NEC regulations regarding batteries.
  - Brian

Are you saying you want a 48V battery but AC in and AC to the devices being provided uninterruptible power, or do you want AC in and 48V DC out for both storage and devices being powered?

If the latter, any reason not to just run conventional telecom-style DC plant with a "rectifier", stack(s) of 48V worth of lead-acid batteries, and appropriate DC power distribution?

If the former, Tripp-Lite has several options that I like. You can get an "inverter/charger" (which is basically a UPS sans batteries) or many products in their SmartOnline (SU...) series have 48V batteries which can be external and (warranty/support issues aside as well as possible regulatory hassles) don't really care how big the battery bank is.

Samlex makes a nice one. 25A output.

Hi Mitchell,

That's not usually called an UPS. What you need is a Rectifier that feeds a
-48 battery system. You connect your equipment the battery and make sure
the rectifier system puts out enough wattage to both power the equipment
and keep the battery topped off.

Try searching ebay for "rack rectifier"

Bill Herrin

I should have been more specific(Quite obvious by the responses I have been getting). I am looking for a rack mount rectifier type device for a remote site(Not a Datacenter/Colo) which outputs 48vdc & has an 120vac input. I would like it to be remote monitor-able via snmp(battery charge, running on batteries etc). I am looking for a runtime of about an hour at about 500w load. A built in battery would be great but an external battery would work as well-I would like the whole setup to be no more than 3ru.

The purpose this device will serve to allow remote monitoring of power conditions(Advance Power Outage Notification, Power Glitches etc) as well as power the connected devices for a short while in the event of a power glitch(Brown-Out, Power outages up to 30-45 minutes etc).

I hope this help clarify.

Thanks & Regards,

Mitchell T. Lewis

[ mailto:MLewis@TechCompute.Net | MLewis@TechCompute.Net ]

[ http://linkedin.com/in/mlewiscc ] |203-816-0371

PGP Fingerprint: 79F2A12BAC77827581C734212AFA805732A1394E [ https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x2AFA805732A1394E | Public PGP Key ]

Eltek is worth a look. Really solid stuff. Used them for awhile now.

If you want battery back-up, it'll probably take more than 3 RU, though.

I've been looking for many years for something similar, one that has integrated batteries and is remote manageable (or ties into our equipment's telemetry) and reasonably priced, but haven't yet found one, yet. Many of the NIDs/ONTs that we install at our customer sites are DC powered, but none of the traditional ONT vendors have a rack-mountable solution. We'd like an all-in-one so it's neat and clean. This is what I found last time I looked:

http://www.ict-power.com/products/display_pro.php?id=1458 (optional external battery backup)
http://www.ict-power.com/products/display_digital.php?id=1287 (optional external battery backup)
http://www.poweringthenetwork.com/integrated-power-system/ IPS 48-11 (only 5 Ah, no Ethernet management)
https://www.fiberopticlink.com/products-item/acdc-2ru-rack-mount-power-supply/ (only 4.5 Ah, no Ethernet management)
https://www.seipower.com/dc-48v-rack-mount/ (no Ethernet management)
http://www.duracomm.com/product-category/rack-mount-power-supplies/ (no Ethernet management)


I've got this in my lab. Batteries aren't integrated, but it has battery
terminals to add some (and charge/monitor)...


Ethernet management is built in (HTTP/SNMP).


Unit in URL below has integrated distribution breakers and battery string breaker. It's a 1RU. you'll need at LEAST an additional 2RU for batteries. Supports float charging, has built-in battery low volt disconnect and battery thermal monitor. SNMP management over IPv4 supported. Available with 400W or 800W or 1200W power modules. For USB craft interface order with ACC controller. For EIA232 serial craft port order with PCC controller.



45 Amp DC Power System - Aspiro 1U | UNIPOWER<https://www.unipowerco.com/products/45-amp-dc-power-system-aspiro1u/>
UNIPOWER is a world leading provider of dependable high‐efficiency power electronics and energy conversion systems and power supplies.


2RU battery subsystem.
