419 with a twist

for amusement thought the list might like to see my latest 419 email with not a
single african government official in sight. amused us all here anyhow, not seen
anything like this before!

the netblock is a nameless nigerian ISP

inetnum: -
descr: Internet service provider
country: NG

for amusement thought the list might like to see my latest 419 email with not


single african government official in sight. amused us all here anyhow, not s


anything like this before!

I can do you one better (though it's possible these guys are both cashing in
*AND* actually legit.. :wink:


Dear Sir /Madam,

If you are currently considering or presently engaged in a business transaction
with a Nigerian whose legitimacy you can not confirm or you might as well be
involved in a transaction regarding transfer of funds, whose authenticity you
are not sure of.Or have you been the brunt of an extensive swindle and you are
interested in locating the individuals that conned your money away from you?
Then we can be of assistance to you.You can visit us at our website
www.investigatenigerians.com <http://www.investigatenigerians.com/&gt; for more
information, or e-mail us at inquiry@investigatenigerians.com
<mailto:inquiry@investigatenigerians.com> All inquires will be treated with the
strictest confidentiality.

Yours Sincerely,
Mr. Francis Aniekwu.
Chief Investigator.

Note: Due to the recent alarming rate of 419 activities, we unadvoidably have
to adopt the same pattern of these 419 operators, which is mass-mailing. This
mail was sent to you randomly, so please forward to friends or family who might
end up being or were victims of an elaborate swindle that involved Nigerians.