40Gbit private peer

SUnet (AS1653) and STUPI (AS1880) want to announce that
we have brought up what we believe is the first private
peer at 40G between two independent networks.

It speaks IPv4, IPv6 both unicast and multicast.


Hi Peter,
Whilst I think there are some merits to for example the 40G to your mother's place via a new technology I'm not entirely sure what this represents.

We know 40G interfaces exist and that any pair of interfaces will come up at 40G. Indeed you could have bonded 16x10G and claimed 160Gb peering.

But with nothing behind them, you may as well add IPv8 and IPv9 and ipx as firsts too.



we have brought up what we believe is the first private
peer at 40G between two independent networks.

40G. cool.

  30 second input rate 77849000 bits/sec, 7236 packets/sec
  30 second output rate 17464000 bits/sec, 5023 packets/sec

or 77Mb/s.

hrm. so confusing.

i regularly do 80+Mb/s on 100 Mb/s full duplex links. perhaps you
should have considered that technology for this application. Or even
copper or fiber gigabit interfaces.

i think you'll find that both options are considerably cheaper for the
traffic that you have. you may be able to use the remaining capex
spend on other gear inside of your network.


Good for a press release, poor for economics.


BEcause you really need it :wink:

30 second input rate 77849000 bits/sec, 7236 packets/sec
30 second output rate 17464000 bits/sec, 5023 packets/sec

Very nice though, it'll be great for all the P2P.

I hope they have good peering :slight_smile:

Blake Pfankuch wrote:

Leigh Porter wrote:


BEcause you really need it :wink:

30 second input rate 77849000 bits/sec, 7236 packets/sec
30 second output rate 17464000 bits/sec, 5023 packets/sec

Very nice though, it'll be great for all the P2P.

Maybe Peter's mother needs a faster LAN connection to her computer?


Petri Helenius wrote:

Could be, I heard that she was hosting the new Piratebay SupaNove service..