365 Main reason for outage report published

The 365 Main San Francisco data center has published its report concerning the outage on July 24 after a utility problem.


Other data centers using Hitec backup generators will want to review the 365's report and those with specific Hitec controllers may want to update them.

Sean Donelan wrote:

The 365 Main San Francisco data center has published its report concerning the outage on July 24 after a utility problem.


Other data centers using Hitec backup generators will want to review the 365's report and those with specific Hitec controllers may want to update them.


That JPEG is obscene! :wink:

Register4Less recently reported a power failure in Montreal where the
return of a single cycle from the utility tricked generators into
shutting down all three cycles, throwing the data center onto UPS until
the batteries died. They did not report make of generator or of the
board that failed them.

Register4Less recently reported a power failure in Montreal where the
return of a single cycle from the utility tricked generators into
shutting down all three cycles, throwing the data center onto UPS until
the batteries died. They did not report make of generator or of the
board that failed them.

Many generator control systems (and transfer switches) do not monitor all three phases for voltage, and stability (phase sync). Any of these can cause a UPS to use its batteries (without charging) and not fire up the generator. Or conversely, allow a generator to power down.

Its happened to lots of people in various places, but I am not going to name-names.