35th IETF Report Available

An extensive summary report of the 35th IETF, held in March in Los Angeles,
California, is now available at the CIX web site,
Highlights of the meeting topics covered by Mark McFadden, CIXtra's
technical reporter, include:

Explorations of Alternative Routing and Topology

     Portable Site Prefixes
     Stratum-based Aggregation
     Globally Redundant Routing Information
     DNS-based Logical Routing

Internet Architecture Board

     Character Sets in the Internet
     IAB, IRTF and IETF Issues
     Hearing on Returning a Standard to Draft Standard Status

Applications and Transport Joint Session

     "Netscape Hack"
     T/TCP Transaction TCP
     HTTP 1.0 Short-term Solutions
     HTTP Version 1.1
     HTTP and Multicasting
     Other Work

Ipng Working Group

IP Security

IPv6 Mobility

Routing Aspects of the IPv4 to IPv6 Transition

Agents, Mobile Code and Intelligent Agents


Lou Scanlan
Member Information and Services
Email: helpdesk@cix.org
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