2nd send: Adopt‐an‐Haitian‐Internet‐technician‐or‐facility


This is a slightly edited, and _unsigned_ resend of my note of the 8th. In an effort to "unbury the lede", the bank routing info is at the top of the post, as well as the bottom :wink:

Bank Address : Route de Delmas, Delmas 29, Port-au-Prince, HAITI
Account Number: 130212988

Swift code : SOGHHTPP
Beneficiary : Association Haïtienne pour le Développement des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication, 18, rue Moise, Pétion-Ville, HAITI

I appreciate the anonymous offers, of money, time, and talent that have been sent me. The money should go to the address above, unless this is too cumbersome, in which case drop me a line and I'll work something out.

Those of you with corporate responsibility contacts within your employers or clients, if you would write a "why network continuity is a good thing" cover and forward this internally, that could add to the amount AHTIC collects through this public ask.

I've posted an HTML version here:


and here:


The text version follows.