29 May 2019: Emotet malspam: 'Mykolab Ref Id: I32560' [Was: Re: Spamming of NANOG list members]

*Just an FYI, the obfuscated URLs and IPs below are malicious.*

This is apparently (?) part of a wave of spoofed malspams impersonating messages with ‘weaponized' attachments sent to the NANOG (North American Network Operators Group) mailing list. Background:



* fergdawgster@mykolab.com (Paul Ferguson) [Wed 29 May 2019, 18:04 CEST]:

This is apparently (?) part of a wave of spoofed malspams impersonating messages with ‘weaponized' attachments sent to the NANOG (North American Network Operators Group) mailing list.

They're not sent to the list, they're sent directly to posted who have previously posted to the list. NANOG have no way to stop these.

  -- Niels.

Understood, but I figured folks might like to know what they might be dealing with.


- ferg

few suprises here. known complacent/spam-friendly providers.
