2600:: No longer pings

It appears that 2600:: no longer responds to ICMP.

$ mtr -rwc 1 2600::
Start: 2024-04-06T10:53:41+0100
HOST: metropolis Loss%
  1.|-- lcy02.flat.b621.net 0.0%
  6.|-- ldn-b4-link.ip.twelve99.net 0.0%
  7.|-- ldn-bb1-v6.ip.twelve99.net 0.0%
  8.|-- nyk-bb2-v6.ip.twelve99.net 0.0%
  9.|-- ??? 100.0
10.|-- sprint-ic301620-nyk-b5.ip.twelve99-cust.net 0.0%
11.|-- ??? 100.0

This seems to have happened around Friday 5th 13:40 UTC.

2600::, a IP address owned by the Sprint network (Now since acquired
by Cogent Communications) is a common (at least in my circles) IPv6
testing address, in a similar way that or is for a
quick address to remember that always pings, when such a address is so
easy to remember, you sometimes cannot help it becoming a "core
project" :slight_smile: ( xkcd: Google Announcement )

2600:: is also used to be the address of sprint.net, now sprint.net has no v6.

This is sad, and I would either propose that Cogent/Sprint (I assume
2600:: is under the ownership of Cogent now) revive this address as
it's a very helpful testing address that is burned into the minds of
many. Or at the very least, I'm more than willing to tank the effort
of responding to ICMP!

I don't know what happed to 2600::, but 2a09:: and 2a11:: can be used as
alternatives. These are addresses of https://dns.sb/ running by xTom.

a message of 50 lines which said:

I don't know what happed to 2600::, but 2a09:: and 2a11:: can be
used as alternatives. These are addresses of https://dns.sb/ running
by xTom.

Very good DNS service, buy the way. But, although I undertsand the
point of having test IPv6 addresses which are easy to remember, this
is an opportunity to remind everybody that the pingability of these
addresses is not guaranteed.

Better to use machines which are intended for testing such as the RIPE
Atlas anchors <RIPE Atlas - RIPE Network Coordination Centre.

2409:: is replying the ICMPv6 request, in case anyone interested

a message of 41 lines which said:

2409:: is replying the ICMPv6 request, in case anyone interested

Thank, I did not know this service.

Note that the signatures on the reverse expired in february:

% dig +cd -x 2409::

; <<>> DiG 9.18.18-0ubuntu0.22.04.2-Ubuntu <<>> +cd -x 2409::
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 61252
;; flags: qr rd ra cd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 2, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags: do; udp: 1232

;; ANSWER SECTION: 360 IN PTR dns.nic.in. 360 IN RRSIG PTR 10 34 360 (
        20240229030654 20240130030654 43700
        S1zQ09bDv7fiuHVvRFUvUdsVOs/xveLM9Q== )

;; Query time: 312 msec
;; WHEN: Sun Apr 07 10:42:02 CEST 2024
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 435

I’d be just as gutted if they ever pull the plug on ipv6.google.com - it’s my go-to “first attempt” for an IPv6 test. :slight_smile:

But this got me curious, so I grabbed a list of prefixes from [1] and decided to ping them all. Since I went through all that effort, might as well share the findings:

$ for i in cat list.txt; do fping -6 $i -t 500 -r 0; done | grep ‘is alive’
2409:: is alive
2a09:: is alive
2a11:: is alive
2a12:: is alive
[<- 2a14:7:ffff::2]2a14:: is alive

[1] IPv6 Global Unicast Address Assignments


a message of 227 lines which said:

$ for i in `cat list.txt`; do fping -6 $i -t 500 -r 0; done | grep 'is alive'
2409:: is alive
2a09:: is alive
2a11:: is alive
2a12:: is alive

All of them are public DNS resolvers, which make sense: having a
simple IP address is a big marketing plus for a DNS resolver.

Wonderful news, this has now been fixed :slight_smile:

Thank you to Cogent for fixing this

Wonderful news, this has now been fixed :slight_smile:
Thank you to Cogent for fixing this

indee. otoh, i still can not resist https://www.kame.net/
