2511 line break

This doesn't make much sense. ssh and telnet both run over TCP; TCP
handles any lost packets. If you're talking about IPsec, it was
engineered to make each packet cryptographically independent. The only
possible issue is that ssh packets are somewhat longer, thus rendering
them slightly more expensive to transmit and slightly more liable to
random bit errors. But the latter is very unlikely -- you were talking
about congestion -- and the effect of the former is minimal compared to
the speed of any likely line.

    --Steve Bellovin, http://www.research.att.com/~smb

Steven M. Bellovin wrote:

random bit errors. But the latter is very unlikely -- you were talking about congestion -- and the effect of the former is minimal compared to the speed of any likely line.

Some people run queuing algorithms based on packet size on narrow links.


Well... if you're queueing biggest-packet-first, yes, the ssh can get starved
indefinitely if there's enough web browsers downloading pages or P2P traffic.

If you're queueing smallest-first and there's enough even-smaller packets to
starve an ssh session, you probably have bigger problems...

Yes, it *could* make connecting to shoot that port that's spewing ICMP at
line rates a bit challenging, but you knew that when you chose the queueing
algorithm, right?

There is also an infinite supply of idiots and mediocre network engineers. Breaking up stuff is easier than making it robust which is the reason why only protocols that are really resistant to abuse prevail.


There is also an infinite supply of idiots and mediocre network
engineers. Breaking up stuff is easier than making it robust

Ettore Bugatti, maker of the finest cars of his day, was once asked
why his cars had less than perfect brakes. He replied something
like, "Any fool can make a car stop. It takes a genius to make a
car go."

* randy@psg.com (Randy Bush) [Tue 27 Jul 2004, 21:22 CEST]:

Ettore Bugatti, maker of the finest cars of his day, was once asked
why his cars had less than perfect brakes. He replied something
like, "Any fool can make a car stop. It takes a genius to make a
car go."

Luckily, these days engineers of the automotive persuasion believe more
in a holistic approach to car design

  -- Niels.


back when i was doing a lot of performance driving stuff (mostly
bmw club race track schools), i made the following observation:

you can tell someone has become an intermediate driver because
they start regularly trashing their brakes.

you can tell someone has become an advanced driver when they
learn how to go even faster while not trashing their brakes.


brakes?? ohhhh thats what that other pedal is for..

** Reply to message from "Stephen J. Wilcox" <steve@telecomplete.co.uk>
on Wed, 28 Jul 2004 00:50:19 +0100 (BST)

Who needs brakes? That's what first gear is for.
