/24s run amuck

Hmm -- does anyone here have one? How good a job did they do locking
down Linux?

    --Steve Bellovin, http://www.research.att.com/~smb

>I stand corrected. The following page comparing Cisco and Imagestream
>is quite interesting.

Hmm -- does anyone here have one? How good a job did they do locking
down Linux?

I have one. Two, actually.

They have user-friendlied it up - you log in and you get a not-that-fancy
menu interface. The router is based on gated, not zebra/quagga. It works
alright, but there are a number of gaping inconsistencies with it. It's not
necessarily that I have a problem with PC routers, it's that their
implementation leaves some to be desired.

For further information, inquiries to me off-list.
