214/8 and 215/8

> These were delegated on the return of nets 49 and 50, along w/ about a
> /9 of mixed /16 and /24 space. e.g. an overall reduction in the
> amount of space. Jon Postel, as the IANA, approved the transfers.
> At that time, ARIN did not have control over legacy delegations.

So I seem to be missing something that keeps me from understanding this --
why didn't they just turn off the /9 of mixed /16 and /24 space and
keep the two pre-existing historical class-As, which would have more
fully followed the BCPs?


  legecy hardware/software. Fully classless kit was just becoming
  common at the time. (cisco did not support it across the product line)

What, in March 1998 when the exchange was made?? Which product for example? (It may not have been a Cisco default, but as far as I know everything has been classless supporting since at least 1993.)


It wasn't THAT many years ago that the Interop teams had T-shirts that
said "Yes, the subnet mask really IS". A co-worker of mine
who was involved wit the NOC team kept telling unhappy people "and next
year the subnet mask will be".

Also, remember when DNS came about, and when HOSTS.TXT finally
went away. The mere fact that Cisco *sold* a router that did
classless right in 1993 doesn't mean there was 100% deployment of
same by 1996, or that it then took another year to renumber, and
then another year to decide it really WAS time to give the old /8s
back.... Change can be quite glacial in some parts of the network.

        Valdis Kletnieks
        Operating Systems Analyst
        Virginia Tech