214/8 and 215/8

Hi -

  214/8 and 215/8 seem to have been allocated to the U.S. DoD in ca. 1998.
There does seem to be a few sizeable announcements (which overlap a few
not-so-sizable ones), but I have to wonder if anyone can explain the
grounds on which they were allocated these two /8s, and which body
did the allocation. Anyone?


Like tha overlapping allottments..

$ whois -h whois.nic.mil
DOD Network Information Center (RESRVD-BLK-NET) RESRVD-BLK
DOD Network Information Center (DDN-NIC21-NET) DDN-NIC21

Brian "Sonic" Whalen
Success = Preparation + Opportunity

I seem to remember that they were exchanged for 49/8 and 50/8. Seems a bit odd that this was done, and I'd love to know what the technical or operational or political advantage was. Maybe the IANA folks can shed more light?

From http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space:

049/8 Joint Technical Command May 94
                 Returned to IANA Mar 98
050/8 Joint Technical Command May 94
                 Returned to IANA Mar 98
214/8 US-DOD Mar 98
215/8 US-DOD Mar 98


Philip Smith wrote (on Nov 01):

I seem to remember that they were exchanged for 49/8 and 50/8. Seems a bit
odd that this was done, and I'd love to know what the technical or
operational or political advantage was. Maybe the IANA folks can shed more

OT: Perhaps the military hasn't come across the "ip classless" (or
equivalent for other antiquated vendors) directive?


Are they really overlapping allotments or just a demonstration of
reassignment? i.e. They have, and they've decided to document
that is reserved for some reason. Is it really any stranger

Internet Connect Company, Inc. (NETBLK-ICC-1) ICC-1

Obvious immediate advantage: bypass A-space filters. They probably also
have swampy /24s that need visibility as such but couldn't be renumbered
until after having non-A-space.