2006.06.05 NANOG-NOTES BGP tools BOF notes

(ok, last set of notes for tonight, and then it's off to bed for 90
minutes of sleep
before heading back to the convention center. ^_^; --MNP)

2006.06.05 Welcome to the 4th BGP Tools BOF!
[slides are at

Nick Feamster GeorgeTech
Dan Massey CUS
Mohit Lad and Lixia Zhang, UCLA

The Goal
sharing some tools develop from our research
hopefully will be useful for operations community.
Also to collect input on new tools we would like
to see so they can develop them.

Routing Configuration Checker
Nick Feamster

O-BGP data organization tool
Dan Massey
[slides are at

The Datapository by Nick Feamster
[I'm sorry, that just sounds *far* too much like something
you do *NOT* want your bedside nurse administering...--MNP]

Visualizing BGP dynamics using Link-Rank by
Mohit Lad

Open discussions and demos

Nick Feamster
Network Troubleshooting: rcc and beyond

rcc: router configuration checker
proactive routing configuration analysis
idea: analyze configs before deployment
many faults can be detected with static analysis.

rcc implementation.

preprocessor -> parser -> relational database (mySQL),
constraints <-> verifier <-> faults

verifier is a template checker and set of constraints
your configs are checked against.

He's looking for GUI developers.
very bare-bones command line right now.

Parsing configurations--shows some output.

He shows examples of the abilene configs, which
are non anonymized.
show all routers peering with a given AS, can look
at route maps in each direction, etc.

After running rcc on it, you get a web output
which shows relationships--oh, pictures don't matter,
with some more grease could be a reasonable representation
of your network.

Q: Randy Bush asks if it could show which peering
sessions are missing?

Matthew Petach wrote:

Q: Randy Bush. Common problem we all face. I'm at 42
peering points; my neighbors are X. I have route views
dumps, I have my BGP dumps. I have my netflow data.
Want a whatifatron that shows what happens to my
traffic if depeer someone, or add someone, or
peer with SingTel in singapore, or stop peering
with Joe in SF.
That's a question many operators ask every day.

We have such a whatifatron. We used it for instance to investigate the impact of peering/depeering on routing and on traffic in various ISP networks including a large european transit network. Our tool is called C-BGP and some of the what-if scenarios we performed on the GEANT network were described recently in an IEEE Network paper entitled "Modeling the routing of an Autonomous System with C-BGP" (November 2005).

Our tool is able to eat BGP dumps (in MRT format), Cisco/Juniper configs and NetFlow data. It's open-source and released under LGPL. It is still a command-line tool but we are working towards a more user-friendly interface.

Some useful links:
http://www.info.ucl.ac.be/~standel/bgp-converter/ -> Cisco/Juniper parser
http://cbgp.info.ucl.ac.be/gui-totem.html -> upcoming GUI

A: Matt notes that if they can solve that question/write
something that does all that, they'll have Arbor and
others beating on their door. :slight_smile:

If any of you is interested in testing it on its data, please feel free to contact me :slight_smile:


Additionally, Richard Steenbergen has this:


to say about this subject, the talk seemed cool, the tool is on
sourceForge I believe...