15 Years ago today….

... we lost Jon.



Given the number of young people in the community who, last year, said "Who?", maybe its time to stop the reminders.

This world is *so* different to the way it was. Getting old sucks.

I'm 30, and have been at this for as long as I can remember. Remembering a
fallen friend is a perfectly acceptable thing to do.. Shout it from the
rooftops, it's nice to see a posting that won't be technically pissed on
(hopefully) within 45 seconds of receipt.

Keep on keepin' on.

That truly was a long time ago but seems like yesterday. Keep having to remind ourselves that time moves quickly for us mere humans...


october is my least favorite month. jon, abha, itojun. i look forward
to november and hope everybody makes it.


Rodney, et al.,

Am glad to be an old person who does remember Jon. If anyone has special remembrances of Jon and his contributions to networking, please send to me offline. We are preparing some material to be presented at a tribute later this month.

Celeste Anderson
Director, Los Nettos

You know, its funny. I saw John Curan at NANOG this past week and
started thinking about the tribute he gave to Jon back then. Time does
indeed fly with wings of eagles. There are a few men and women in
every great endeavor without which it might well never have come to
pass. Jon was one such. I didn't know him, but I knew the work he did.
Gratitude is well earned.


I'm kinda in the same boat as Warren -- I'm 34, and I remember that one of
the first things that I read on the NANOG list (having signed up towards
the end of my first summer internship) was the news of Jon's death.

I'm also with Laurence -- the fact that a lot of younger people said "who"
is an opportunity for instruction, not a reason to abandon memorials.

More importantly, speaking of younger folks on the list, this is a good
reminder to ask yourself: "What can I do to be the kind of inspirational
figure that Jon was?" Sure, it's a high bar, but those are worth jumping

Well said, Josh! I second that sentiment, and something about standing on the shoulders of those giants who came before us is resonating.

Timothy Shortall
Assistant Director, Network Infrastructure and Services
Division of Information Technology
University of Maryland at College Park
(301) 405-2994

Thank you for posting this. I was born in 1984 and had no idea. I've spent
the last day or so reading up on Jon Postel and his work. What an amazing

Your work here is done, Rod.

-- jra

Op 17-10-2013 15:23, Ray Soucy schreef:

Thank you for posting this. I was born in 1984 and had no idea. I've spent
the last day or so reading up on Jon Postel and his work. What an amazing

Hear, hear.

I'm from 1987 and I would never have heard about Jon Postel if it
weren't for this list. IMHO, we should keep remembering people like him,
us younger people in particular.

- Peter