
A surprising number of large transit ASes appear to be more than willing to accept this prefix from AS4847.

I'd be a lot happier if there were fewer.


that took longer than expected.
the internet has failed my expectations.

Hash: SHA1

ERROR: Not Found - bgp.he.net

A surprising number of large transit ASes appear to be more than

willing to

accept this prefix from AS4847.

that took longer than expected.
the internet has failed my expectations.

I learnt to use whois for such strange results! :slight_smile:

anurag@laptop:~$ whois

ERROR: Not Found - bgp.he.net

A surprising number of large transit ASes appear to be more than willing
to accept this prefix from AS4847.

a private address space leak? and propagated. i am deeply shocked.

wtf did people think would happen?


ERROR: Not Found - bgp.he.net

A surprising number of large transit ASes appear to be more than willing
to accept this prefix from AS4847.

a private address space leak? and propagated. i am deeply shocked.

wtf did people think would happen?

I'm unsurprised that not all filters are in place, more or less where they weren't however is another matter.

by all accounts this has been advertised since 8/24.

space allocated: 2012-03-13
that's 5 months and 11 days too long.

I suspect not everyone has updated their 'bogon' filters. I found a very minor gap in our filters, we are working on correcting it.

- Jared

use this:


by all accounts this has been advertised since 8/24.

space allocated: 2012-03-13
that's 5 months and 11 days too long.

I suspect not everyone has updated their 'bogon' filters. I found a very minor gap in our filters, we are working on correcting it.

I would imagine though I am open to other interpreations that, the root cause of the leak lies there as well.

Our issue is the templates were updated except for all but one type of device.

If you see issues with 2914 folks can ping me off-list.

- jared

by all accounts this has been advertised since 8/24.

space allocated: 2012-03-13
that's 5 months and 11 days too long.

no one noticed the other leaks

use this:


Please tell me how I can configure my router to use that feed to
automatically reject any bogon advertisements I receive from other BGP


Please tell me how I can configure my router to use that feed to
automatically reject any bogon advertisements I receive from other BGP

you actually have to look at that web page

В 16:22 -0700 на 06.10.2012 (сб), Randy Bush написа:

>> http://www.team-cymru.org/Services/Bogons/bgp.html
> Please tell me how I can configure my router to use that feed to
> automatically reject any bogon advertisements I receive from other BGP
> neigbhors.

you actually have to look at that web page

If you're seeing the same page, the configs and explanations there show
how to drop packets destined to bogons, not routes.

(I also want to know the answer to that question)


Please tell me how I can configure my router to use that feed to
automatically reject any bogon advertisements I receive from other BGP

you actually have to look at that web page

If you're seeing the same page, the configs and explanations there show
how to drop packets destined to bogons, not routes.

(I also want to know the answer to that question)

then read the frelling page!!!

router bgp <your asn>
! Session 1
neighbor A.B.C.D remote-as 65332
neighbor A.B.C.D description <your description>
neighbor A.B.C.D ebgp-multihop 255
neighbor A.B.C.D password <your password>
! Session 2
neighbor E.F.G.H remote-as 65332
neighbor E.F.G.H description <your description>
neighbor E.F.G.H ebgp-multihop 255
neighbor E.F.G.H password <your password>
address-family ipv4
  ! Session 1
  neighbor A.B.C.D activate
  neighbor A.B.C.D soft-reconfiguration inbound
  neighbor A.B.C.D prefix-list cymru-out-v4 out
  neighbor A.B.C.D route-map CYMRUBOGONS-V4 in
  ! Session 2
  neighbor E.F.G.H activate
  neighbor E.F.G.H soft-reconfiguration inbound
  neighbor E.F.G.H prefix-list cymru-out-v4 out
  neighbor E.F.G.H route-map CYMRUBOGONS-V4 in
address-family ipv6
  ! Session 1
  neighbor A.B.C.D activate
  neighbor A.B.C.D soft-reconfiguration inbound
  neighbor A.B.C.D prefix-list cymru-out-v6 out
  neighbor A.B.C.D route-map CYMRUBOGONS-V6 in
  ! Session 2
  neighbor E.F.G.H activate
  neighbor E.F.G.H soft-reconfiguration inbound
  neighbor E.F.G.H prefix-list cymru-out-v6 out
  neighbor E.F.G.H route-map CYMRUBOGONS-V6 in
! Depending on IOS version, you may need to configure your router
! for new-style community syntax.
ip bgp-community new-format
ip community-list 100 permit 65332:888
ip route Null0
ip prefix-list cymru-out-v4 seq 5 deny le 32
ipv6 route 2001:DB8:0:DEAD:BEEF::1/128 Null0
ipv6 prefix-list cymru-out-v6 seq 5 deny ::/0 le 128
route-map CYMRUBOGONS-V6 permit 10
description IPv6 Filter bogons learned from cymru.com bogon route-servers
match community 100
set ipv6 next-hop 2001:DB8:0:DEAD:BEEF::1
route-map CYMRUBOGONS-V4 permit 10
description IPv4 Filter bogons learned from cymru.com bogon route-servers
match community 100
set ip next-hop

plug: rfc 6666.

100::/64 is reserved for this purpose.


Kind of like the for IPv4, huh?

no - is formally "TEST-NET-1, documentation and examples",
like 2001:db8::/32.

100::/64 is specifically for discard and analysis style RTBHs. I.e. for
ipv6, you can now keep your documentation prefixes on your documentation.
