One item that is currently before the ARIN Advisory Council is a
suggestion that we publish a map of all currently allocated IP space and
keep that map up to date. If we do this then I think it solves this
problem if people keep verifying their filters against the map or if they
generate their filters based on the map.

You mean like



One which may be usefull is registering the 'unassigned' IANA blocks
in the IRR with a special AS number (e.g. AS0 or AS65535) so people can
use the RtConfig tools to create filters by exception (e.g. NOT AS0)
But there is already so much junk like in there already, I
hesitate doing it.

>One item that is currently before the ARIN Advisory Council is a
>suggestion that we publish a map of all currently allocated IP space and
>keep that map up to date. If we do this then I think it solves this
>problem if people keep verifying their filters against the map or if they
>generate their filters based on the map.

You mean like

No, actually, he doesn't (probably) mean exactly that... the concept is
good, but tghe granularity too coarse. Excellent resource for
historical research, though; thanks for the pointer. (And why,
exactly, does DISA need _6_ Class A's? :slight_smile:

One which may be usefull is registering the 'unassigned' IANA blocks
in the IRR with a special AS number (e.g. AS0 or AS65535) so people can
use the RtConfig tools to create filters by exception (e.g. NOT AS0)
But there is already so much junk like in there already, I
hesitate doing it.

I'm not enough of a BGPgeek to know for sure, but that sounds like an
excellent idea to me, and 0 is the one I'd pick, I think.

-- jra

>One item that is currently before the ARIN Advisory Council is a
>suggestion that we publish a map of all currently allocated IP space and
>keep that map up to date.

You mean like

Sort of, but more detailled and including sub-allocations and accessible
via the whois protocol. For instance, the IANA list shows 61/8 as
allocated to APNIC but since they are a registry they are carving it up
into smaller blocks. For filtering purposes, 3/8 and 61/8 are quite

One which may be usefull is registering the 'unassigned' IANA blocks
in the IRR with a special AS number (e.g. AS0 or AS65535) so people can
use the RtConfig tools to create filters by exception (e.g. NOT AS0)
But there is already so much junk like in there already, I
hesitate doing it.

If ARIN sets up their own database then it should be possible to make it
usable by RtConfig tools if there is a demand for that.

>One item that is currently before the ARIN Advisory Council is a
>suggestion that we publish a map of all currently allocated IP space and
>keep that map up to date. If we do this then I think it solves this

"keep that map up to date" is the crux of this issue though.

You mean like


Perhaps a little more detailed that this. As well, how do I know when
this list was last updated?