
actually I find it quite funny that you DO reach a web server at the given
address inside PSI, some aviation guys.

...which lead me into investigating the lower IP ranges again.

Can anyone enlighten me as to what happend i.e. to the 12.x.x.x range? It
seems to be sub-allocated by now, and I see a lot af routes out of that
range in my routing table originated by a couple of different providers.

Was there a change in policy? Is this into offical allocation by now?
Last but not least, for anyone inside that range: Any problems with prefix
length filters so far?



Can anyone enlighten me as to what happend i.e. to the 12.x.x.x
range? It seems to be sub-allocated by now, and I see a lot af
routes out of that range in my routing table originated by a
couple of different providers.

Was there a change in policy? Is this into offical allocation
by now? Last but not least, for anyone inside that range: Any
problems with prefix length filters so far?

I posted this to NANOG back in October last year:

: AT&T has been assigned 12/8, and we're announcing 12/8. Customers
: are being allocated portions of this non-portable space, and you'll
: only see more-specifics when our customers multi-home. This is just
: like any other CIDR block used for customers.

            Jay B.

Can anyone enlighten me as to what happend i.e. to the 12.x.x.x range? It
seems to be sub-allocated by now, and I see a lot af routes out of that
range in my routing table originated by a couple of different providers.

Was there a change in policy? Is this into offical allocation by now?
Last but not least, for anyone inside that range: Any problems with prefix
length filters so far?

I'm not sure about 12/8, but recently 61/8 was allocated to APNIC
and we were probably the first to get allocated a /19 in this
address space.
A few providers were filtering at /8, but in pretty much all
cases a quick email to them got their filters changed.

I'm not sure about 12/8, but recently 61/8 was allocated to APNIC and we
were probably the first to get allocated a /19 in this address space.

A few providers were filtering at /8, but in pretty much all cases a quick
email to them got their filters changed.

If the announcements in old A space are /19 or shorter, folk will listen.


> I'm not sure about 12/8, but recently 61/8 was allocated to APNIC and we
> were probably the first to get allocated a /19 in this address space.
> A few providers were filtering at /8, but in pretty much all cases a quick
> email to them got their filters changed.

If the announcements in old A space are /19 or shorter, folk will listen.

try to get australian providers to advertise a /19 or shorter :slight_smile:

the problem is that we allocate /22s. /23s and /24s regularly as a matter
of course, and invariably all their customers will multihome and suddenly
we see lots of announcements of longer prefixes.

the concept of "provider blocks" has not quite been embraced all over the
world :slight_smile:

Most folk will listen...but not all. Digex are still ignoring it
it seems (but it was working a couple of months back).