Small full BGP table capable router with low power consumption

- Juniper MXs
The reason I wrote M7i instead of the MX was I far as I looked on the Juniper site, it seems to use more power than the M7i (though you get more performance).

The M150 has just been released, if its within the budget I wold suggest it will very nicely fit the requirement with its 1U form factor and 365W draw. -

Have you played around with mx150 yet?

It seems very appealing on paper, but as of its so new i have my doubts....

No, not actually seen one in real life yet. Interesting thing of course is it runs VMX JunOS code.

RE-800 are so slow that I've had numerous instances where I've made a change, banged my head on the desk for several minutes trying to figure out why it isn't working, and then realize that the control plane was still thinking about it. It will take full tables though, barely, and eventually. Imagine the RE-1800s are fine, haven't used one personally. C-FEB-E should have plenty of room for your FIB.

What's the application? I'll throw a somewhat oddball option out there - you can fit full tables into RIB on many Juniper EX switches. Limited use cases for sure, but it can be handy if you can limit what's installed into FIB.

A low-power rack mount x86 box running one of (Free|Open|Net)BSD and OpenBGPd?

- Mark

What's the application? I'll throw a somewhat oddball option out there
- you can fit full tables into RIB on many Juniper EX switches. Limited use
cases for sure, but it can be handy if you can limit what's installed into

Fixed format EX's range max out at 128k routes, definitely not an option
there unless I am really missing something. I often use EX/QFX for l3, but
no way they come anywhere near a full table.

yep :slight_smile:

set routing-options maximum-prefixes biggernumberthan128k

again, RIB only

Hey Steve (or anyone else),

How much RAM are you running on your 4431? We have a similar application and are trying to figure out whether to order a 4431 with the default 4GB RAM, or upgrade it proactively to 8GB to support the full BGP table.
