Scotland ccTLD?

Here's a list of assigned and available ISO 3166 alpha-2 codes:

Bill Herrin

From: David Conrad

Clearly the right answer here is either .SW or perhaps just .WH (since a
whisky from a place other than Scotland is obviously just wrong ... :))

I believe the Irish monks who invented the stuff might beg to differ, but really, we're talking about an oil rich nation being repressed by a despotic monarchy, why the hell haven't we invaded already?


One really should to consult
<> and
<> before making these kind of


that could be several quite distinct questions:

1. assuming that the "aye" vote prevails, in what quarter will the iso3166/ma issue the relevant update, allocating a code point to the new political jurisdiction?

2. assuming the iso3166/ma issues the relevant update and code point, when will the new political jurisdiction designate a registry operator?

3. assuming new political jurisdiction designates a registry operator, when will the root zone publisher delegate the code point to the operator designated by the new political jurisdiction?

4. assuming the root zone publisher delegates the code point to the operator, when will the operator "go live", and what, if any, "stages of" or "restrictions on" access will the operator exercise subsequent to that point in time?

your milage may vary, of course.


Minor nit, referring to secondary sources, even ones so well-maintained as wikipedia, has rather often led to confusion in the ccTLD space. The primary source for this information is here, I encourage people to refer to it instead:


Why SU is not transitionally reserved:


FWIW (and despite my participation in the thread) all of this speculation is worthless, in case anyone is keeping score at home. :slight_smile:

Meanwhile, it's probably worth pointing out that while Eric has the rough outline of the process correct above, by no means do all of those steps have to occur serially. OTOH, there is no accounting for how quickly or slowly any of them will occur. There are also numerous possible entanglements at each step, so really, the speculation is worthless. :slight_smile:


Using the new UI, how would one identify the ISO-3166 codes that have been reserved for user defined purposes (i.e., AA, QM-QZ, XA-XZ, and ZZ)?

The decoding table was extremely useful. It’s a shame ISO decided to remove it.


I agree, but, progress ... ?


Clearly the right answer here is either .SW or perhaps just .WH (since a
whisky from a place other than Scotland is obviously just wrong ... :))

I believe the Irish monks who invented the stuff might beg to differ,

No, no. They invented Whiskey. (:slight_smile: for the humo(u)r impaired)

but really, we're talking about an oil rich nation being repressed by a despotic monarchy, why the hell haven't we invaded already?

Probably the weather.


A better question is why is SU still in the root?

Since the rebels in eastern Ukraine have been reported to call their
intimidation police "НКВД"[0] I suppose the rest of the apparat that
was Soviet Union will return shortly. Better keep SU in the root just
in case.

On a more on-topic note, there are several domains still in use under SU.

Actually heard recently that .sq might be the preferred option. Not sure
what the reason for that was.

I'd like to think that, unofficially, we could remember it as 'sq for
squatted namespace'. :slight_smile:



I think it is now, since the break up of the Soviet Union.


What will happen to ".uk" if England is left alone?

          Masataka Ohta

Will be reserved to a future "United Korea" if that happens...


.PC, for Picts (I believe it's available.) But I doubt that would fly.

They could abolish all taxes and fund the entire country just on domain name

I don't know anything about Scotland's attitude toward being
identified with the Picts, however. Perhaps that's a nonsensical idea.

They've always been a bit picty about that sort of thing.

- Matt

sc is Seychelles. Available s* include sf, sp, sq, su and sw. They should
pick .sf, use .scot for in-country domains and sell all .sf domains to
San Francisco residents.

Or Science Fiction productions. Lots more money there.

There are still at least 3 countries left in the UK if Scotland splits.

The name change is that in that event, Great Britain (.gb
country-code Reserved Domain - IANA) will refer only to the land mass
(which it should any way, but if often used to refer to the three
kingdoms on it.

VR, GO, ON, NY, ...these seems to be free :smiley:

Clearly New York must declare independence.