IPv4 and Auctions

John Curran wrote :
So, if by “the right to use them”, one is referring to being the one listed in the ARIN database for the address space and/or use ARIN services applicable
to those address blocks, then that is indeed a contractual right, but it doesn’t get transferred or assigned except as the community policy states. For
example, redelegation by ISPs is clearly covered by ARIN policy, so we recognize such and even provide services specifically to support same.

I wish to retract what I wrote earlier : I totally acknowledge and support ARIN's phrasing, and it was absolutely not meant as a challenge.
ARIN does not lease me the IP block I thought I "bought" on the transfer market.

What I "bought" is, by the result of a complex by-product iterations of ARIN acknowledgement that although I neither own or rent the apartment, my name is on it, I somehow expect that the community will somehow consider that my org is the one who should announce the prefix allocated / assigned to said org, and not someone else.

Is this appropriate langage ?

I am going to move the thread of transparency to arin-ppml, where it belongs.


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Michel Py wrote :
What I like with Hilco is that it brings transparency to the market. I think that each transfer should list the amount of the
transaction between parties. For example, I would like to know for how much 44.192/10 went.

The parties to transactions probably protect that data in the same way they protect how much they paid for their routers, software licenses, and payroll.

Owen DeLong wrote :
If you really feel that this should be data the RIRs collect during transfers and that it should be published, I suggest you submit a proposal
for this into the ARIN policy development process. If you need help doing so, feel free to ask me or any other member of the AC.

I think the result should be simple, a .csv file containing an entry for each prefix transferred :
Date, size, price, origin RIR, resulting RIR.
Something like IPv4.Global but covering all transactions, not only ipv4.global ones.
Transparency on transfer prices.

Other than price, each of the RIRs publishes all of that information in a daily transfers report. Maybe JSON instead of CSV, and they don't all use the same dictionary, but it's public.

Anyone can list blocks on auctions.ipv4.global, and the transaction will be included in our prior-sales report. Even private transactions can be run through the site, with the side benefit of including the transaction in that report.

Some brokers use the platform when they have a buyer who needs space and they don't have the right block, or they have a seller and want broader reach. If other brokers, buyers, or sellers were interested in publishing their transaction data, we'd happily do it.

What do you think about it ? a two-prong question :

- As yourself ? is it desirable for the community in your opinion ?

- As AC member ? Does it have any chance to be approved by the AC ?

I would submit a proposal if it has some chances to pass; I don't want to lose the time of the AC if it's going to be deep-sixed right away.

This Thursday afternoon, at the end of the ARIN public policy meeting, is open mic time. If you want to float an idea to get the community's first impression, that's a pretty good time.
