image stream routers

right. what i'm pointing out is that if Imagestream routers really ARE capable of >OC12 (and perhaps multiple of them) then its unlikely its s/w-based forwarding.

once again - i claim no clue on how Imagestream work. but i am very familiar with linux. and router/switch architecture.



Edward B. Dreger wrote:

doesnt mean they are violating GPL to do it. look at nvidia for example.


Dan Hollis wrote:

right. what i'm pointing out is that if Imagestream routers really ARE capable of >OC12 (and perhaps multiple of them) then its unlikely its s/w-based forwarding.

doesnt mean they are violating GPL to do it. look at nvidia for example.

agree. all i'm saying is that it is "unlikely".

OC12 at minimum-packet-size is a little over 3.2M PPS unidirectional traffic. bidirectional its 6.4M PPS.

it is very unlikely that a non-modified linux kernel can do anywhere near that. its also incredibly unlikely that even a modified kernel could do that.

the only possible scenario where i can see unmodified linux doing that is if you used "Fast Routing" which essentially is DMAing from one NIC to another, removing any ability to do any fancy queueing, no ability to do ACLs or any form of traffic accounting.

in terms of 'router characterization', i doubt most folks would want such a thing on either a core-router, peering-router, transit-router or aggregation router.

so: i'd say its far more likely that its h/w-based forwarding, perhaps FPGA-based.



behind their gurantee. If it doesn't work, they'll either fix it, or give
you your money back.

I'm way behind.. just getting caught up on NANOG:

Circa 2000 I got stuck with one of the ImageStream DS3 systems,
tried to return it and get our money back and could not..

Our reason for returning it was the card would not do fractional DS3
ie: "set CSU bandwidth XXXX" but would work fine for full DS3.
We needed the frac DS3 (were were small.. could not afford a full DS3)
even though we were told that it would (Sales Droids!).

The only good thing was, I was able to recycle the hardware
we got stuck with into something kinda useful.