Contact at Ubiquiti Networks?

Mostly agree, but the “your pet bug” argument has validity.

When the thing that isn’t working is basic functionality, (e.g. IPv6) , there is no excuse for that not to work, and a company that tries to spin 'basic functionality" as “feature request” tends to dig their own grave.

Even the big guys like Juniper fail at basic functionality. Our brand new MX204 fails to select the correct source address when doing ARP requests and apparently that is a known will not fix.

Even the big guys like Juniper fail at basic functionality. Our brand new MX204 fails to select the correct source address when doing ARP requests and apparently that is a known will not fix.

Apparently EX2300/EX3400 doesn't support STP when using Virtual Chassis and QFX51XX don't support firewall filters when using VXLAN. Both cannot/will not fix. How I long to be in the spend category that makes vendors care about fundamental issues.

" stock value is a terribly inaccurate way to measure if a company is “excelling.” "

That requires qualification.

Stock value might be a “terribly inaccurate way” in the short term but in the long term, it reflects whether you have a marketable product or not.

Hertz car rental has the #1 product in its industry, even its major competitor Avis agrees (“We’re number two“:-), and yet Hertz stock is plunging towards zero even as we speak. Stock price has nothing to do with product quality. Theranos, for example, had a completely fictional product, yet it stock price skyrocketed.

Stock price is simply a way of measuring the perceived market value of a company‘s earning potential.

-mel beckman

I agree with the sentiment that stock value cannot be used to glean ~anything, certainly not something specific like ‘marketability of product’. I’d be interested in reading paper where stock value is determined to be more reliable than random metric on anything except stock value.

However Hertz depreciation is caused by the anticipation that debtors will receive almost all of the equity, diluting the current owners by massive ratio. The value tries to reflect post-dilution value. My Stetson-Harrision analysis tells that current owners will end up owning less than 20% of Hertz and more than 80% goes to debtors.
So by that logic, 80% of Hertz value is currently not trading.

Apparently EX2300/EX3400 doesn’t support STP when using Virtual Chassis

Where did you find this? I’m only able to find the EX4300 mentioned in

I see the following listed on the feature explorer for the EX2300-VC and EX3400-VC at

BPDU protection for spanning-tree protocols - Junos OS 15.1X53-D50
Global configuration of spanning-tree protocols - Junos OS 15.1X53-D50
Loop protection for spanning-tree protocols - Junos OS 15.1X53-D50
Root protection for spanning-tree protocols - Junos OS 15.1X53-D50

Ryan Hamel

Where did you find this?

Found out the hard way after buying and installing 20 of them. When a single node in a VC reboots, it starts switching traffic some seconds before it does STP so any loops that were previously blocked now flood - usually overloading the other 3400s on the network. Apparently this is just how the Broadcom chip works and cannot be fixed. That, twinned with some other significant stability issues, caused them to all go back for a refund. They did say a PR would be raised for this though I don't believe it has been - I can't find an external one, anyway.

The QFX51XX issue is currently a won't fix. Worked fine in 17.x, broke in 18.x. No documentation or reasoning for the change, other than giving the distinct impression that we don't spend enough for them to care.

I have this exact same issue with Ubiquiti. Would go to network in which we designed spanning tree Loops in the event of a switch failure the network could automatically recover in keep portions from being disconnected. This all works fine until power loss greater than the run time on the UPS’s. Seems to me like a simple fix, simply do not activate the switch ports until spanning tree is running and then activate them one at a time.


1987 called and wants their bug back.

Seriously, how does something *that* basic even make it out of the lab?

In article <> you write:

Hertz car rental has the #1 product in its industry, even its major

competitor Avis agrees (“We’re number two“:-), and yet Hertz stock is
plunging towards zero even as we speak. ...

However Hertz depreciation is caused by the anticipation that debtors will
receive almost all of the equity, diluting the current owners by massive
ratio. ...

Hertz suffers from an over-clever structure in which they lease their
cars from special purpose funds owned by private investors. Since
there is currently no demand for airport car rental, nor any demand
for used cars, the value of the cars has dropped, and Hertz got what
was in effect a margin call. But since there is no demand for airport
car rental nor used cars, Hertz has no revenue with which to pay the
margin calls. Uh, oh, repo time.

This doesn't tell us much beyond the fact that if you are in a
business in which an unforseen event destroys both your income stream
and the value of your major asset, you are in trouble. As far as I
know neither applies to makers of routers and other Internet hardware.

I disagree, Mel.

Your quoting of exceptions, even if they were correct, doesn’t invalidate the generalization that stock price is linked to product marketability.

You can think of it in terms of data science: product marketability is a good predictor of stock price.

I disagree with your certainty, Saku. That’s best left to results in papers, as you correctly point out.

Ubiquity is definitely a NO GO.

They RMA/Support is either NON EXISTENT or Anedotic.

Got broken/failed equipment in the Spanish distributor for more than 10 months waiting for repair or replacement, they simply say its Ubiquity to blame...

Anyways, i don't care and just requested a full refund on the products... If i was waiting for a replacement i would be dead already :slight_smile:

And all this is a shame, i started to use Ubnt a long ago... around 2008...

Nuno Vieira

I’d refine it slightly - the market’s impression of product marketability is a good predictor of stock price.

That would include Mel’s exceptions, I believe.

Nuno,We have RMA’s switches here in the US just about a month ago and it was a 2-week turn-around going directly to Ubiquiti.

That said they do have spanning-tree issues with the switches and also we are now seeing intermittent reconfiguration for no reason. No one tampering with anything the VM Environment detects a switch reconfiguration that only lasts for a few seconds. but it does occur randomly.