202203071610.AYC Re: Making Use of 240/4 NetBlock

Cc: NANOG <nanog@nanog.org>, Greg Skinner <gregskinner0@icloud.com>, "Karandikar, Abhay" <Director@iitk.ac.in>, Rama Ati <rama_ati@outlook.com>, Bob Corner GMAIL <bobbiecorner@gmail.com>, "Hsing, T. Russell" <tHsing@ieee.org>, "Chen, Henry C.J." <hcjchen@avinta.com>, ST Hsieh <uschinaeetc@gmail.com>, "Chen, Abraham Y." <AYChen@alum.mit.edu>

This is a whole lot of cc:s to people who aren't even part of this group/list. One wonders with this many cc:s, how many bcc:s there also were, and to whom.
